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Her Reading Life S2E3: Insights from Book Lovers: What Readers Crave in Future Books

Writer's picture: Shira RodriguezShira Rodriguez

In this episode, we delve into the minds of passionate book lovers and explore the captivating world of readers' desires. Join us as we discuss the intriguing elements and themes that readers crave in future books. From plot twists that leave them breathless to diverse characters that mirror their experiences, we uncover the secrets to crafting unforgettable stories that keep readers coming back for more. Whether you're an avid reader or an aspiring author, this episode will ignite your creativity and inspire you to create narratives that resonate with audiences. Tune in and gain valuable insights into what makes readers fall in love with a book and yearn for more captivating tales. Don't miss this illuminating discussion on the future of literature and the heartfelt wishes of book enthusiasts worldwide. 📚🎧 #BookLovers #FutureBooks #WritingInspiration #ReadersDesires #PodcastDiscussion

Hello friends!

How was your weekend? I hope you’ve had some delightful romps or adventures. Or been able to take a quiet moment or two in silence. I feel like we too often underestimate our need for silence.

I’ll be completely honest, this last week was a tough one for me. I was struggling so much to find gratitude in my life to the point that at the end of the week, I simply crashed and curled up (quite literally!) into a little ball of self-pity on my bed. I felt lonely, unheard, and frustrated – like a balloon swelling with hot air until it pops. Now, most of this wasn’t true. I was never really alone or unheard or really had any valid reason for frustration. I just believed somehow I was getting the short end of the stick. Life had cheated me out of what I believed I deserved and now I was angry about it.

As I spoke with my parents, however, they slowly helped me to see that my miserable situation wasn’t quite as deplorable as I perceived it. My complaining about everything that was wrong – my narrowing in, like a telescopic lens – made me focus on everything that was wrong. My problems swelled before my eyes like the ladybugs I used to stare at through a magnifying glass on hot summer days. The ladybug wasn’t actually as big as she appeared through the glass; remove it and you’d find the enormous insect was really about the size of two pinheads.

Our problems and complaints are like that. So many times, we rant about the things we wish would change in our lives – the siblings, the school, the friends, the position, the income, the followers, even the books and entertainment industry – and how unfair it all is and why somebody doesn’t do something about these things and hang it all, why are we always the problem when they’re the real problem?

We think that if we only figure out what’s wrong…

If we only complain a little louder so they can hear us…

If we only let the frustration out…

Then, the problem will be fixed. Or rather, we act almost as though we expect them to disappear from the figment of our imaginations and memories.

But life isn’t like that.

You get what you focus on, friends.

If you’re focusing on all the things that are wrong or off or incorrect, you’re only going to see the crooked board in the straight fence.

So, to back a little to my story of last week’s struggles, my parents recommended that I keep a gratitude journal daily. Gratitude, they told me, reminds you of all the blessings you do have, instead of clouding your vision with all the things that you think are out of your reach. And even those things that are out of your reach, you thank God for in advance.

I used to do this so often before I got “too busy” and I’m realizing now what a detriment it’s been for me. I’ll be honest, I was terrible at keeping a gratitude journal, but I always started prayer with thanksgiving and gratitude for everything from the pink washing the sky at sunrise to the air I was breathing in that moment to my family sleeping peacefully in the second floor above me.

I want to lead my heart back into not just a ritual but a habitual posture of humility and gratitude. I want to love and believe with every fiber of my being and see the possibility and grace of every moment. And even as I’m writing this, I’m realizing that this affects all of life, from the food that we eat (I’m still working on some of those picky food habits!) to the books we consume.

So often, we complain about how books nowadays aren’t as good as ones from “the good old days” or how some tropes are just abused by overuse and recycled more than plastic. But the truth is, our rants will not help matters any if no one does anything about it.

However, what if (and now, allow me to stir the embers of your imagination into a flame) you took all your complaints and rants and did something about them? What if you wrote something that turned a trope on its head and turned something dillapidaded into something delightful? What if you asked readers what they want to see in books and wrote about it?

Actually, that’s exactly what Valerie, Ryan, Kristianne and I about to discuss in this episode. In case you don’t remember from last episode, I invited some lovely bookish friends of mine - as well as fellow writers - to share some of the books that have changed them profoundly and helped them become the young women they are today. I was so honored to have these amazing and inspiring young women with me on this call. And if you haven’t listened to the last episode, I highly encourage you to listen to it to catch the full conversation!

Today I’m continuing last episode’s discussion, where I asked the girls to share what they want to see in future books. Listen to Valerie’s answer as she dives deep into this:

Books Mentioned In This Conversation

(Quick Disclaimer: I may occasionally provide a link to a specific book or resource. I participate in selected affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates for these links, so if a link takes you to Amazon, know that it is most likely an affiliate link. Having affiliate links means that if you click on a link I've posted and purchase something, I receive a small percentage of the cost. This doesn't change what you pay and helps support the podcast!)

Your Home Is Here by Valerie Cotnoir

Val’s Top 3 Books

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montegomery

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Tao

Ryan’s Top 3 Books

Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis

Audio | Hardcover | Softcover

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer by Fredrik Backman

The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

Kristianne’s Top 3 Books

Lord of the Rings Series by J. R. R. Tolkien

Children of the Storm by Natasha Vins

Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris

Did you enjoy that conversation?

Don’t worry, you’ll get to hear more next time as we dive into how these incredible ladies live, give, and repeat to the fullest and create a beautiful life that blesses others.

And in case you’re curious about what I want to see most in future books (because, as per usual, I forgot to answer!), I would honestly say that I want to see books that simply make my heart yearn for pure beauty. The sort of beauty that goodness has when it’s so pure it makes your heart ache and pulls tears from your eyes. The grace that defines Jean Valjean from Les Miserables. The womanly beauty and love that defines Antonia from My Antonia. The courage that defines Repicheep from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Books that birth sehnsucht. This was C. S. Lewis’ favorite word for an aching desire for that glorious other world that reminds me that these are only the shadowlands we’re living in. Those are the kinds of books I want to read and create.

And as for advice for readers a step behind me who want to dive more deeply into reading, I would say to read what you love. Read what excites you and interests you. Don’t bother about the latest and greatest; the New York Times Bestsellers or a celebrity’s must-read list. If self-help inspires you, start there. If space travel and astronomy fascinates you, start there. Whatever makes you desire to read and goes with your God-given purpose and interests, start there. And little by little, you’ll teach yourself to love reading and you’ll be able to swim into deeper waters. In fact, I’ll be releasing an episode later on this very topic!

If you’re a writer who’s maybe just starting out or drafting your first serious short story or novel or outline, I would say two things: 1) Write what God has put in your heart. You might be tempted at times to worry that your genre might not be lucrative anymore or that nobody reads the style you write or people are tired of the trope you’ve weaved into your plot. But dear, dear, friend, let me set your anxious mind to rest and remind you that all that really matters is the story that is inside you. If you feel a calling to share this story, don’t let any doubt or fear drive that passion from your heart. Your story, your message, matters.

And 2) Persevere. When you feel like giving up, or that nobody cares about the words you’re pouring your soul into, you grab those intrusive, nasty little goblin voices by the collar and tell them first to shut up. (Why should you listen to things that are not true?) And then I want you to thank God for the incredible audience He will give you and the impact your book will have on the souls of thousands. Thank God until it becomes so vivid, and so real, and so tangible, you could almost swear you were there. Look, you will face rejection, but so did every single author who ever became an “overnight success.” From J. K. Rowling to L. M. Montegomery to Ernest Hemmingway to Charles Dickens. The only thing that really makes them any different from you or me is that they persevered.

And with that, sweet friends, I’ll close out this episode. I hope this discussion has inspired you and whet your appetite for a posture of gratitude and hope in every area of your life! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and what you would like to see in future books!

Love you all and thank you so much for listening friends! Until next time! Continue to live, give, and repeat!

Now it’s your turn: what you would like to see in future books? What would you like to hear me discuss in upcoming episodes?

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